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PS100 series ceramic pressure sensor capsule is based on a monolithic ceramic structure with sensitive membrane in the cavity and designed by Thick Film Technology for OEM manufacturers of machines and equipment where the integration of pressure sensing or monitoring is required. Because of the excellent chemical resistance, no additional protection is normally required.

PS100 series has 18 mm diameter and 6.35 mm thickness, covers the relative pressure measurement from 15 psi to 8700 psi, with the characteristic of small dimension and the thermal stability, it has been widely used in various pressure-measuring occasion.

Pressure Ranges
0 to 15 psi ... 8700 psi (gauge only)
Power Supply
3 to 30Vdc, typically 5Vdc
Output Signals
mV signal
Data Sheet

PS100 pin connection

PS100 wire connection

PS100 diaphragm

PS100 drawing

Ceramic pressure sensor
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